CAN$23.95 (50% discount)
Oikos Game 3: The Key to Success
Explore the exciting world of emotional intelligence. Discover practical strategies for alcohol and drug prevention. Unearth the key to success. Oikos Game 3 aims for a better world.
Oikos Game 3 is an “emotional intelligence” board game designed to help older children and adults learn life skills such as:
- Understanding oneself
- Problem solving
- Goal setting
- Decision-making
- Managing anger
- Nurturing relationships
- Resolving conflicts
- Saying “no” to drugs and alcohol
- And many more!
For age 10 and up.
For two to six players.
"Just what all parents need to help their kids along the road in life with problem solving, goal setting, decision making, and saying 'no' to drugs! A true and inspiring treasure."
Jodie Lynn, syndicated parenting/health expert, Parent to Parent, CEO/founder of, and author of family/health book, Mommy-CEO.
Winner! 2006 Parent to Parent Adding Wisdom Award