2008 Wordigy Challenge Winners
Wisdom Award (Most Senior) - Bernie Weinheber
Wiz Award (Youngest participant and finalist) Isaiah Rayel (Clarenville Primary School)
Open Division (Adult):
Champion (Gold) - Sue Bird
2nd Place (Silver) - Keith Petten
3rd Place (Bronze) - Laura Petten
Divisions 3-4 (Grades 8 to 10)
Champion (Gold) - Kyle Petten (Random Island Academy)
2nd Place (Silver) - Ryan Keating (Balbo Elementary School)
Division 1-2 (Grades 3 to 7)
Champion (Gold) - Michael Keating (Balbo Elementary School)
2nd Place (Silver) - Isabelle Borja (Clarenville Middle School)
3rd Place (Bronze) - Mitchell Lundrigan (Balbo Elementary School)